Your Committee from L to R, Julie, Linda, Leigh, Brenda, Melvyn, Liz & Dave

What Our Members Say
Read some testimonials from club members.
Xmas social comments 2023
Hi Julie
Hope you’re well. I wanted to say thanks to the club for putting on a lovely afternoon on Sat.
It was very well organised and the Quiz & Bingo were an unexpected extra,
The Club is very friendly & welcoming. Although I have a gardener for my garden and Mum’s, as I can’t fully manage them myself, I want to learn more. Mum loved her garden & enjoyed visiting the Show in Sep 22. That was the last time she went out, other than to hosp in Nov / Dec, re the pacemaker & hip break.
My late husband had been a keen gardener in the past, winning the Higham best kept front garden comp, twice in the 90’s.
Some of our beloved Westie’s ashes, “George”, were buried in my garden, last year with red and white plants either side.
I’m looking forward to next year’s talks and thanks for the B/d mention in the Newsletter.
Have a good Christmas and New Year.
Best wishes
Good morning to everyone who do so much for the Gadeners Club.I am writing to apologise for my absence yesterday. I was really looking forward to it, as I had not been to hardly anything this year and enjoy the company of many of you.It’s 9.00am and my girlfriend just asked how it went yesterday, as I had mentioned it to her and I just realised I had missed it.My brother asked me on Monday if I could babysit his children in the afternoon as they had been invited to an afternoon Christmas lunch ( ironically) and I said yes without thinking of looking in the diary.Please accept my apology for letting you all down, especially Julie who had kindly phoned me up.I would like to donate the cost for the fish and chips that I wasted, so please tell me the price and I will pay into your account.Once again, a big apology and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, if I don’t see you before.L.L

Autumn show comments 2023
Autumn show 2023………….was a brilliant day. So lovely to see the community come together. S.E
Excellent show. I had a very enjoyable afternoon, looking forward to the next one. J.S
It was a fantastic show. There were some great exhibits on display. Well done to all the folks behind the scenes. N.J.S
Fabulous show, such a wonderful village response. Thank you to all your hard working organizer’s. S.S
General member comments
Dear Julie, thanks to everyone for the Zoom meeting. I was so pleased to be part of it, and see Mavis too. It was so nice to hear about that amazing work, and such dedicated folk. I hope we will be able to visit one day. A.G
Dear Julie, just to say I very much enjoyed this evening’s lecture and everyone seemed very friendly.
I look forward to your next lecture and in due course coming to something in person. S.A
Hi thank you so much for our christmas parcel it was very thoughtful. I think you are all doing a wonderful job under these very trying, sad and difficult times. We can all only hope that 2021 will be a much better year. I like the idea of a 100/bonus ball club and we would like to attend any outings if we are able to. Anyway keep up the good work and thank you once again. E.M
Just a quick hello to the Commitee, I joined last year after being in the village for 5 years –
I received a lovely package this week from yourselves and it was totally unexpected and also not needed (but enjoyed).
Your annual membership is great value and I would certainly like to renew.
I sadly did not make the quiz competitions or the zoom meetings, which i believe were excellent – I would like this opportunity to thank Dave Bennett for not just being a good neighbour and genuine nice guy, but also his efforts with all this new Internet communication. L.L
Hello Julie,
Alan and I were so grateful for the gifts we have received from the committee. What a lovely surprise, thank you all.
We appreciate your email updates about the club and are sorry that we are unable to join you by Zoom for the meetings. However we remain certain that eventually we will all meet again in person. Please extend our sincere good wishes to all of our committee friends. Thank you all once again.
Stay well. P.M
Hi Julie, please can you thank the committee for my Christmas present and card it was a lovely surprise thank you.
Hi Julie,
I would like to thank the club for the Christmas bag of goodies. I think it is a lovely gesture and certainly brightened my day. Although I have not joined in with any of the events etc I have enjoyed reading the emails.
I think you are all doing a great job. Thank you. Wishing everyone the best Christmas that is allowed at present. Hoping something good can happen next year.
Keep safe. W.H
Hi Julie, Nice to see everyone this evening. Great talk – very informative to a non country type like me. We both enjoyed it. Please pass on our thanks to Jane. J & A
Thoroughly enjoyable evening, will miss this when we move to Shropshire. Thank you Rosemary and Richard

Hi Julie
Thank you to all the committee for organising a day out at Penshurst Place.
It was a perfect day out including the luxury coach, the perfect weather, nice company and a cream tea to top it all off.
I did however feel that the guide rushed us a little. I would have liked to see some labelling of the plants but l understand this may detract from the loveliness of the garden displays and with a newly acquired app l did find the name of a plant l particularly liked. Personally as a bit of a plantaholic l would have liked to see a larger amount of plants available in the shop but l have found over time that whichever garden l visit the plants displayed in the garden are very rarely available for sale in the shops.
All this however did nothing to mar a lovely enjoyable day out and l look forward to our next trip to Wisley
Thank you.

Questions & Answers
Why should I join Chalk Village Gardeners Club?
We are a friendly group of mixed ability gardeners and non gardeners of all ages.
What are the benefits of joining?
We have numerous speakers on a wide range of subjects throughout the year, that are free to members (some other clubs charge additional on top) and subsidized coach trips to various gardens. Other activities include our Autumn show and our Christmas social. We also have arranged discounts at some local garden centres.
What is the 50/50 club?
The Chalk Village Gardeners’ 50/50 Club was set up in 2021. Club members can pay £12 per year for a number to be entered into a monthly draw. Members can purchase as many numbers as they want. 50% of the monthly income is paid out in prize money each month, split between 3 lucky winners, and 50% goes back into club funds, so the more people that join, the higher the prize money.
By the end of its first year, we had 27 members so the club received £153 (plus some donated prize money), thereby helping to keep our annual membership subscriptions at the same price for another year.
The 50/50 year runs from Jan-Dec and it is possible to join mid year and pay pro-rata. The monthly draw is usually done at our monthly meetings, except January and February draws which are made at the March meeting. Last year we paid all the prize winners at the Christmas social.
For full details of the 50/50 Club, and how to join and pay, please read the guidelines in the website’s privacy policy and legal section.
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Why attract Bees to your garden?
- Invaluable in polinating plants in the garden
- They serve a critical role in the food chain
- They are expert producers of honey