2024 Events

Below is a list of 2024 events that will be added to as and when new events are confirmed.

PLEASE NOTE: We have a disabled access ramp leading into the hall, disabled toilets and limited disabled parking in front of the hall.

13th January, 10th February, 10th March, 14th April, 12th May, 9th June, 14th July, 11th August, 2nd September, 13th October, 10th November, 2nd December

Below is a list of our speakers and events for this year

After our short AGM business we will enjoy a cheese and wine social and a catch up with fellow members

The former Blue Peter gardener, and now head of Horticulture at Garden Organic, will be coming along to give us an entertaining talk on “Small spaces – Big ideas”

John talks about the importance of village shows, how the village can make the most of shows and how to encourage new exhibitors. 

John’s talk covers planning for the show as an exhibitor, how to display exhibits at their best, with digital images to show how best to present what you have. John entered his first exhibits almost sixty years ago and has won various cups and Banksian Medals for the most points at various local shows. John is a well respected judge both locally and within the Royal Horticultural Society.

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Accordion Content

Autumn Show Schedule


Members of the club committee will be in the Foyer for receipt of entry forms, on the Friday evening before the show, between 7.00 and 8.30pm.

(Late entries accepted up to 11am on Show Day)

Set up :  09.00 – 11.45am on Show Day.

Judging to commence at 12.00 noon Saturday.

The show will open to the public, members and exhibitors from 2.30pm.      

Prize giving and produce sale will commence at        

4.00pm, followed immediately by the raffle.

Light refreshments will be available during the afternoon.




Chairman: Mr Melvyn Foster, 8 Pirrip Close. Mob. No 07740775206

Treasurer: Mrs Leigh Hoban, 129 Lower Higham Rd

Secretary: Mr Melvyn Foster, 8 Pirrip Close

Committee members:

Mrs Helen Ansell, La Casa Blanca, Old Coach Road, Wrotham

Mr Dave Bennett, 195 Lower Higham Road, Chalk

Ms Liz Fox, The Manor House, Chalk Road, Chalk

Ms Julie Merritt, 267 Rochester Road, Chalk

Mrs Lina Rush, 2 Albion Road, Gravesend

Mrs Brenda Thorne, 23 Ruffets Wood, Singlewell


T.H. Brown Cup                                         most points in Classes 1 – 21

The G. Rose Trophy                                 most points in Classes 22 – 30

The D. Waghorne Fuller Cup             most points in Classes 31 – 36

The Mrs Grimshaw Cup                        most points in Classes 37 – 50

The RedsellCup                                          most points in Classes 51 – 60

The Verity RowbottomTrophy –        most points in Classes 61 – 72

The Elsie Philips Challenge Shield – most points in Classes 73 – 79

The Chairman’s Trophy                            best exhibit in Classes   1 – 60

The Hilda Moat Tray                                  best exhibit in Classes 73 – 79

The Shirley Cup                                           most points in Junior Classes 80 – 84

The Ted Jackson Memorial Vase  –   best in show over all classes

Centenary Cup – Exhibit chosen by a supportive local business

The Container Shield – members only – best hanging basket                                              (Judged in the summer)



  1. All sections and Classes are open to Club Members and residents of Chalk.
  2. Entry forms and entry fees can be handed to the Secretary or any Committee Member by the Thursday before the Show; otherwise between 7.00 and 8.30 pm on the Friday prior to the show in the Parish Hall (Holloway Hall).

               Late entries will be accepted up to 11.00am on Show Day.

  1. Exhibitors may only have ONE entry in each Class.
  2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded at the Judge’s discretion.
  3. Only exhibitors own produce is to be shown except where stated in the schedule. Exhibitors are requested to name Varieties if known. Flowers are to be staged in the Club vases.
  4. No exhibits to be removed before 4pm.
  5. Exhibits not collected will be sold.
  6. In the event of a tie for highest points, the award will be made at the discretion of the Committee.
  7. The Judge’s decision is final.
  8. Exhibits to be staged between 9.00 and 11.45 am on the day of the Show.




RULES (Continued)

11. Only the appointed stewards are allowed in the hall while judging is taking           place.

12. Club Cups and Trophies will only be awarded to club members.

13. No craft entry may be exhibited more than once.

Entry Fee:  20p per item entered.


General Class prizes –

  1st– 40p.   2nd – 25p.  3rd – 20p

Collection of vegetables prizes –

 1st – £1.00  2nd – 50p  3rd – 30p

If you have any questions regarding entries to the

Show please ask the Chairman/Secretary – Melvyn Foster




T.H. BROWN VEGETABLE CUP: Classes 1 – 21

1.  Top Tray: Collection of 4 different kinds of vegetables from Classes 2 – 12, displayed on board 18″ x 24″

(Class 1. Covered boards supplied)

2.  5 Potatoes white

3.  5 Potatoes coloured

(Classes 2 & 3 to be no larger than duck egg size)

4.  5 Runner beans

(Class 4 can be straightened by rolling in a damp tea towel)

5.  3 Beetroot – tops trimmed to 3″

6.  3 Onions – maximum 3″ diameter

7.  3 Onions – minimum 3″ diameter

(Classes 6 & 7 tops to be raffia whipped. Staged in rings/soft collars. Roots trimmed back to basal plate)

8.  6 French beans

9.  3 Carrots – with 2″ stalk

T.H. BROWN VEGETABLE CUP: Classes 1 – 21 (Continued)

10. 2 sweet Peppers / 6 Chilli peppers.

11. 2 courgettes

12. 6 Radish’s

12a 1  Squash

13.  1 Table marrow

14.  1 Cucumber

15.  1 Corn – on – the – cob (Kernels to be exposed one side)

16.  1 Lettuce

17.  Largest potato

18.  Longest runner bean

19.  Heaviest onion – not trimmed

20.  Heaviest marrow

21.  Any vegetable not listed above, no fewer than 2 or more than 6

21a. Any vegetable that adults will find amusing.

( Class 21a will not be included in the T.H. Brown Vegetable Cup points total)






G. ROSE FRUIT TROPHY: Classes 22 – 30

22.  1 Truss Tomatoes – small type, max 11/2″ diameter

23.  1 Truss Tomatoes – large type, min 11/2″ diameter

24.  1 plate of 10 Tomatoes – small type, max 11/2″ diameter

25.  1 plate of 5 Tomatoes – large type, min11/2″ diameter

(Classes 24 & 25 – should have green stalks attached)

26.  6 Plums or Gages

27.  4 Dessert Apples

28. 4 Cooking Apples

29.  4 Pears

30.  Any  fruit not listed above, no fewer than 2 or more than 6

(Classes 22 – 30. Plates will be provided)

D. WAGHORNE FULLER CUP: Classes 31 – 36

31.  3 Blooms any Chrysanthemum

32.  3 Blooms Chrysanthemum – 3 stems the same

33. 3 Chrysanthemums over 5” diameter

34. 3 Chrysanthemums under 5” diameter

35.  3 Sprays of Chrysanthemum

36.  5 Blooms Any Chrysanthemum

(Classes 31 – 36. Chrysanthemums must be entered into the correct class. If unsure please ask Chairman/Secretary)

MRS GRIMSHAW CUP: Classes 37 – 50

37.  6 stems of Flowers, two or more kinds (not scheduled)

38.  6 stems of Flowers (not scheduled)

39.  1 Pot Plant, Flowering. Pot grown, maximum 6″ pot

40.  1 Pot Plant, Flowering. Pot grown, minimum 6″ pot

41.  1 Pot Plant, Foliage. Pot grown, maximum 6″ pot

42.  1 Pot Plant, Foliage. Pot grown, minimum 6″ pot

43.  1  Gladioli

44.  3  Gladioli

45.  5  Asters

46.  1  Rose – Hybrid Tea – Specimen Bloom

47.  5  Stems of Roses – Hybrid Tea or Floribunda

48.  1 Small bikini vase of mixed herbs

(Classes 37, 38 & 43 to 48, the stem should be as long as possible. Vases will be provided)

49. 1 x Cactus or Succulent

50. 1 x Large Vase of Mixed Flowers

REDSELL CUP: Classes 51 – 60

51.  5 Blooms any Dahlia

52. 3 Dahlias the same

53. 3 Dahlias over 6”

54. 3 Dahlias under 6”

55. 1 Dahlia over 6”

56. 1 Dahlia under 6”

57. 5 stems any Dahlias

(Dahlias must be entered into the correct class. If unsure please ask ythe Chairman/Secretary)

(Classes 51 – 57 should have as long a stem as possible.Vases will be provided)








61. 5 Biscuits

62. Tea Bread

63. Vegetable cake/bake

64. Chocolate cake

65. Any other cake/bake

66. Coffee & walnut cake

67. 5 Gingerbread men

68. Bottle of Homemade Fruit Cordial

69. Bottle of Homemade Fruit Spirit

(Classes 61 – 72b, made to your own choice of recipe.)

(Classes 61 – 67, plastic covers will be provided. Cake stands or plates will NOT be provided)

70. 1 Jar of Jam, soft or stone

71. 1 Jar of Marmalade

72. 1 Jar of Jelly

72a. 1 Jar of Chutney

72b. 1 Jar of Pickles

(Classes 70 – 72b, jars should be as near to 1lb as possible)


73.  1  Embroidered item, Cross Stitch or Tapestry

74.  1  Hand-knitted item of clothing in Double-Knitting or Aran

74a 1  Hand-knitted item – other than class 74

75. 1  Hand sewn item

76.  Photograph of a plant or flower in your garden (Unframed. Maximumsize 8″ x 6″)

77. 1  Crocheted item

78.  Dried Flower Table Arrangement. Min 9″ x 9″, Max 12″ x 12″ (Rule 5 does not apply)

(Class 78: Artificial or Silk flowers are not permitted)

79.  Fresh Flower Table Arrangement. Min 9″ x9″ Max 12″ x 12″ (Rule 5 does not apply)

79a 1 x Handmade item not described above








There are four age groups in the Junior category. Under 5, 6 to 7, 8 to 10 and 11 to 16 that are judged separately.

Please state your age on the entry form.

80.  Make a small seed tray garden – Seed tray should be approx 14″ x 9″

81. Colour a provided poster advertising the Show, using any medium. (Poster download buttons below).

82.  A funny vegetable or character made from a vegetable, or vegetables, created and made by the exhibitor

83.  5 x decorated fairy cakes/cupcakes

84.  Largest sunflower head

( The sunflower may not have any petals at this time of year but is still eligible to be entered into the Show) 

2024 show is Sept 7th

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Bring Nature Into Your House

Did you know that houseplants can have the following benefits?

  • An improved mood.
  • Reduced stress levels.
  • Increased worker productivity (adding plants to office environments in particular)
  • Increased speed of reaction in a computer task.
  • Improved attention span (in some scientific studies, but not all)